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Peacock showpiece (White wood) 5"

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Khadi India

₹ 1,099.00
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About Product- 100% Handmade; Made by Govt Certified Artisans from Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu, the southern state of India known for its unique Dravidian culture, has also a tradition of woodcraft. This extends from the grand works on wood during the reign of Chola, Chera and Pandiya dynasties to the present day artifacts of amazing perfection. Madurai is famous for its rosewood carvings. The style is marked by its bold forms, the details being minutely and painstakingly worked out.


  • Type - Handmade
  • Material - Sandalwood 

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This item is non-returnable because it is specially handcrafted by the artisans. *Terms & Conditions applied* 

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The actual size, weight , and colour of the product may vary from information on website, as the product is handcrafted by different artisans.

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